An Introduction to Meditation
The Ancient Taoist Masters of the Lee Family Arts believed that to meditate you need only turn your focus to the present moment. A single thought or action is a form of meditation if it has your full attention. To focus on the present moment, notice when your thoughts and attention have drifted, and bring your focus back to the present moment in time, takes practice and self-discipline.
Regular practice of the Lee Style T’ai Chi Form Sets and Taoist Yoga breathing exercises enable individuals to engage in various moving mediation techniques, such as repetition of movement, observing the interconnectedness of the movements and focusing on the breath.
Alternatively you may prefer to set aside dedicated time and listen to a guided meditation in a calm and quiet environment. Whatever your preference, through regular meditation, you are able to develop a greater sense of self-awareness, emotional stability, and mental clarity. Meditation offers a pathway to inner peace and a profound connection with oneself.
Guided Meditations
What is mindfulness?
Our brains are naturally wired to work best in a state of being present in the moment, this is mindfulness. It is not really a new concept it’s simply returning to our best functioning selves. The movements of LFA T’ai Chi provide each individual with a moving meditation that utilises all of the senses enabling them to be aware of the moment without judgement or interpretation.
It is proven that regular T’ai Chi practice results in improved focus and memory recall, a calmer mind, increased energy levels, improved emotional resilience during stressful times, greater compassion, improved immune system, lower risk of depression, the ability to maintain a healthier weight, and have restful sleep. All these benefits slow the ageing of the brain and lead to a happier, healthier, you!
TRY THIS Simple Seated Breathing Exercise
- Sit on the floor or on a chair, cross your feet at the ankles with your left leg furthest away from you.
- Place the palms of both hands on your stomach just below your navel.
- Breathe in through the nose and allow your stomach to expand, this moves your stomach out of the way of the lower part of your lungs allowing your lungs to fully inflate.
- Breathe out through the mouth as you gently pull your stomach in, expelling all the air and toxins from your lungs.
- Repeat for up to 5 minutes.